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Position TitleJob NumberJob DescriptionPay Scale
25-26 Anticipated Piano Accompanist, Part-Time25-26-EXTRA-01

Anticipated Piano Accompanist, Part-Time, @ High School 

The accompanist is an essential part of the Hilton High School music program.  The nature of a choral ensemble requires a pianist to accompany nearly all musical selections that are performed, both at concerts and at rehearsal. 

  • The accompanist must have a flexible schedule and be available to work daily during school hours for rehearsals.
  • The accompanist will accompany 4 curricular quarterly concerts (October, December, March and June).

The Hilton Central School District is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. The school district is in compliance with all federal and New York State laws governing Equal Opportunity prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, ethnic background, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status and disability.